A Delhi court on Monday allowed AAP’s Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh, arrested in a money laundering case related to alleged Delhi excise policy scam, to appear before a parliamentary committee to file his submissions in a breach of privilege case.
Special Judge M K Nagpal granted permission to Singh on an application moved by his lawyer, who claimed that being a parliamentarian, the accused was required to attend the proceedings.
The judge directed the jail superintendent to take the accused to the Parliament on any working day when Parliament is in session to file his submissions before the Rajya Sabha’s Privileges Committee.
The judge, however, said that Singh would not be permitted to meet his colleagues, supporters and media persons.
The judge, meanwhile, adjourned the order on whether to take cognisance of a charge sheet against Singh in the case, noting that the ED’s application seeking protection of a witness is pending before another court.
The court is scheduled to hear on Tuesday the bail application of Singh, who is currently in judicial custody. The ED had arrested Singh on October 4.
The anti-money laundering agency has alleged that Singh played a key role in the formulation and implementation of the now-scrapped excise policy, which benefited certain liquor manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers, for monetary considerations.
The senior AAP leader has refuted the allegations.
With inputs from News18