Guillermo Söhnlein, co-founder of OceanGate, has put forth a groundbreaking proposal to establish a floating colony on Venus by 2050, aiming to send up to 1,000 humans to live in the planet’s atmosphere. This plan, under his venture Humans2Venus, focuses on creating a sustainable habitat at an altitude of about 30 miles above the Venusian surface, where conditions are more Earth-like and survivable.
Unlike the harsh surface of Venus, which is often regarded as uninhabitable due to extreme temperatures and pressure, Söhnlein’s concept targets the planet’s upper atmosphere, where the temperature and atmospheric pressure could be similar to Earth’s. His idea is not to terraform Venus but to create an environment where humans can live and work comfortably using advanced inflatable modules launched from Earth and assembled in orbit. These modules would then float in Venus’s atmosphere, forming a stable colony.
Söhnlein emphasizes the practical advantages Venus has over Mars, the more commonly discussed destination for human colonization. Venus shares similar size, gravity, and mass with Earth, and its atmosphere offers protection from solar radiation, making it an attractive candidate for space exploration. Moreover, the planet’s abundant resources like solar energy, carbon dioxide, water vapor, and sulfur could be leveraged for life support and manufacturing, essential for sustaining a large human presence.
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